Hey ya! Your website looks

website care

Very often websites are neglected as businesses are too busy concentrating on what they’re really good at. Which is AWESOME! let me manage your website so you can focus on fixing cars, selling dog accessories or what ever it is you’re good at.

technical/security updates

On the internet sometimes things happen, its a fact of life. When I take over your website care & management, I take control of your website and it’s security. Leave it to me to ensure that everything in the back end of your website runs as its supposed to. I will make sure your on-site apps, google maps etc are up to date so that they work with the latest browsers. When I manage your website you can be assured knowing your site is secure and things are working as they should. Because today we absolutely judge a business by their website.

content updates

With me on your team, managing your website has never been easier. All you got to do is let me know whats comin up and whats happening. Then I will make sure that anybody who visits your site knows all about it. It’s like having your staff member who knows how to make your website best! Except, I don’t take sick days or need a turkey for thanksgiving.
Your busy running your business, I get it. But that doesn’t mean your website should get neglected. Search engines thrive on good content updates & that is how the world finds you.